Wastewater reclamation is the process of treating wastewater for reusable purposes, while wastewater reuse is the process of using reclaimed wastewater in different beneficial ways. As the demand for water increases and new sources of supply become more expensive to develop, there is an increasing need to use water more than once during the hydrological cycle. The development of wastewater reclamation and reuse in many countries is related to looming water scarcity, water pollution control measures and protection of the aquatic environment. There is also the need to obtain alternative water resources for a growing population.

Reclaimed Water 

It is the wastewater that has been thoroughly treated to remove harmful organisms and substances, such as bacteria, viruses and heavy metals, so it can be reused. By using reclaimed water, we can conserve freshwater supplies and provide a solution for a sustainable environment. It can be safely used for a wide variety of purposes, such as:

  • landscape irrigation for golf courses, parks, highway medians, playgrounds and residential properties
  • groundwater recharge
  • industrial uses such as cooling; fire protection
  • wetlands creation, restoration and enhancement

Reclamation views wastewater as a resource to be put to productive use, rather than as a waste to be disposed of. Many uses of water do not require high-quality water and therefore there are options to put reclaimed water of lower quality to a productive use 

Reusing Wastewater 

It is another way of creating a sustainable environment. It involves treating and disinfecting the wastewater and then using the high quality reclaimed water for useful purposes. The degree of treatment depends on the purpose, it will serve.

Agricultural Reuse

While most of the constituents in wastewater are treated as pollutants, some constituents are nutrients, such as nitrogen, phosphorous, and potassium. Using water twice, once for municipal use and once for irrigation use, converts the pollutants into valuable fertilizers while protecting rivers and lakes from contamination and providing a local source of water supply. Also, using treated wastewater can substitute the need for expensive chemical fertilizers.

Industrial Reuse

Typical industrial uses of reclaimed water include boiler feed, cooling, stack scrubbing, and process water. The quality of the reclaimed water largely depends on the specific industry. For example, in the paper industry, the higher the grade of paper, the greater its sensitivity to the quality of the reclaimed water used to produce it.

Municipal Reuse

Integrating reuse plans into water management strategies can help municipalities in several ways, such as to irrigate parks, playgrounds, greenbelts, and golf courses, and for other nonpotable uses such as toilet flushing, fire protection, street cleaning, fountains, etc.

When it comes to wastewater management for reclamation and reuse purposes, as per your tailored needs think of us!  Roserve - A cost-effective way to reuse and recycle the water, LEASE wastewater treatment equipment with us and grow your business while meeting environmental regulations, all at the same time. A One-Stop-Shop for all your wastewater management woes!!! Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn for more updates and announcements.