The current pandemic has majorly impacted the industrial supply chains globally. And, it is posing severe challenges for the pulp and paper industry all over the world. It includes companies that produce pulp, paper, paperboard and several other cellulose-based products. The sector involves various fields such as agriculture, forestry, biology, chemicals, distribution, and transportation. Thus, occupying an important position in the global economy. 

  • With the spread of Coronavirus and closing down of offices, colleges and schools due to the lockdown, the demand for copier paper and printing paper has seen a notable downfall.
  • However, on the other hand, it has also provided an unusual possibility for the pulp and paper manufacturing sector related to rising demand for personal hygiene paper products, food packaging products, corrugated packaging materials, paper for medical supplies, etc.

The Rising Demand for Pulp & Paper Products

Hygiene related paper products 

  • The sudden demand for these products is largely credited to the growing awareness among the public related to personal safety and hygiene. 
  • It includes disposable paper towels, disinfectant wipes, face masks, disposal paper underwear and other personal hygiene-related products.

Paper-based medicinal material 

  • Paper can play a special type of carrier endowed with functions such as filtration, adsorption, antibacterial and detection by chemical, physical or biological design which can be used for producing various medicinal products like paper electrodes, paper-based micro-fluidic chips, biosensors and biological test paper.

Corrugated packaging materials 

  • These materials are essential for the transportation of food, lifestyle products, medicines, and medical equipment. 
  • Moreover, as many places have still not opened up for retail, it has accelerated the growth of online shopping. Thereby, increasing the demand for corrugated packaging materials.

Food packaging products 

  • As the restaurants too are facing the consequences of the lockdown, the food delivery mode is greatly working for them. 
  • Therefore, packaging products like paper boxes, straws, paper bags, etc have become new growth areas for the pulp and paper industry.

Where does the Pulp & Paper Industry need our assistance?

  • Manufacturing paper involves the usage of new or recycled pulp including chemicals such as kaolin, CaCO3, talc and/or TiO2 to bring the white colour in the paper. 
  • And, to manufacture a paper with different properties, it requires chemicals such as starch, latex, colours, aluminium sulphate etc. 
  • And, these processes of manufacturing, colouring and decolouring require a huge amount of water. As a result, there is a huge generation of wastewater. 
  • The recycling of this wastewater involves anaerobic treatment where there are two major units - aeration basin and sedimentation basin to remove particles and recycle the waste. 
  • The composition of this wastewater depends on the production process and raw materials used. 
  • Further, the emissions released while treating the wastewater are very harmful. 
  • This issue can be resolved by using highly advanced technologies which have the capability to control these emissions, thereby, reflecting the minimum impact on the environment.

How can Roserve help?

  • Being a business enterprise ourselves in the field of wastewater treatment, we understand the difficulties being faced by the pulp & paper industry in getting back to starting its operations. 
  • Therefore, we are introducing our very efficient and convenient - Plug & Play Recycling Model, which we have come up with after thorough evaluation and research. 
  • The model is designed in such a way that it will help in reducing the imbalance in cost and profit levels caused due to the COVID-19, while at the same time addressing the need for treating wastewater optimally. 

The highlights of our Plug & Play Recycling Model are:

  • Ready to use equipment 
  • No initial CAPEX required 
  • Quick Mobilization 
  • Pay per use model 
  • Rental options on Zero Liquid Discharge 
  • Flexible renting solutions along with short-term rental options

This Plug & Play Recycling model has been initiated by us to provide a strong foundation for the Pulp & Paper Industry to ensure they achieve their sustainability norms. 

When it comes to wastewater management for your company, as per your tailored needs think of us!  Roserve - A cost-effective way to reuse and recycle the water, LEASE wastewater treatment equipment with us and grow your business while meeting environmental regulations, all at the same time. A One-Stop-Shop for all your wastewater management woes!!! Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn for more updates and announcements.